Video Reviews


Well, are they?

This question is best answered from people like you.

Your review helps future Endurance Customers decide that they’re buying something worthwhile.

As much as I could go on about the features and benefits of the boots. People want to hear it from you.

The best testimonials we get are videos. It only takes a minute and you can do it from your laptop or phone.
To help you, we've got some questions that you can read whilst recording.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. I really truly appreciate it! 🥰

— Dean Piazza (Founder of Endurance Recovery Boots)

Who are you and what do you do?
Which model did you buy, and what did you hope it would do for you?
What was your main hesitation before buying?
Was it worth the money?
What is the ONE thing you love most about your Boots?